Screen printing is the focal point of our activity, but not only. QUASAR srl produces inks for screen printing, pad printing and digital printing.

Quasar srl laboratory aims always to go looking for products with the lowest possible harmfulness and minimal environmental impact. Continuous research leads to constantly change products and formulas in order to be always at the cutting edge of the least harmful chemistry. Talk ever about safety or put colored stickers on tins it is not enaugh to guarantee harmlessness hazardous composition can only be verified by analysis. Quasar srl provides foreign companies working in child sector. Many countries no longer accept certification of private company, but directly do analysis on products entering into the contry. Analysis is our main reference that does not allow interpretations.

These few words exemplify the efforts we make every day, trying to make screen printers and other operators work easier and safe. We also offer our customers direct and in-depth assistance on high definition screen printing, sample color formulations, adhesion and resistance tests of applied inks.

The laboratory is always available to our customers - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.